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Girodin-Sauer S.A.S.
16 Chemin des Bas des Indes
95240 Cormeilles-en-Parisis France

+33 1 34 11 76 10 more


Centralised high-pressure air system

If you need a simple, reliable, state-of-the-art solution that will serve you well in four decades from now and is also affordable in terms of design, construction and operation, you need look no further than our centralized high-pressure air system (CHPS). This is the ideal solution for any submarine or surface vessel – from a design perspective, in capital, ILS and operational cost terms, and from the perspective of availability and survivability. In short, nothing offers you better value for money.


Lower costs

The design and system engineering costs are lower because our solution is made up of a single system, and not multiple ones. As the number of interfaces is considerably lower, the construction risk for the shipyard is also lower. Besides, we take full responsibility for the engineering, design and equipment definition. In addition, the ILS cost of our solution is provably lower, as are the operating costs. Having fewer compressors reduces maintenance and spares’ costs, while our system responsibility – only one provider of all the equipment installed in a CHPS – covers both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.


Fewer headaches

Our much more simple solution is easier to understand so new crew can familiarise themselves fast. The easier exchange of information and improved communication our all-in-one solution enables makes more sense than multiple point-of-use compressors. Besides, as Sauer is the only system provider to take full responsibility, we can eliminate risk during the concept, engineering, provision, testing and operational stages – and if required, during class approval and installation as well. Last but not least, our components are all proven in the service of top navies and chosen to best serve their specific tasks – with no compromises in putting together the optimal one-stop-shop solution to meet your specific needs.


Better value for money

The air quality of our CHPS is better because we use water-cooled compressors. Besides, high-pressure air is by nature dryer than stand-alone air-cooled BA compressors. In addition, our state-of-the-art air equipment, the WP5000 and WP5500 with their integrated membrane dryer technology, are quite simply the best solution available on the market with a low oil carry-over of <3 ppm. Ultimately, the high availability and safety levels our CHPS offers are convincing value-for-money arguments. Our ultra-modern control and supervision technology (including condition-based maintenance) plays a key role in avoiding downtime and enhancing safety. The Sauer Analox breathing air supervision unit, for example, is the only one specially developed for naval applications. At Sauer Compressors we just know what navies need.


Accessories for centralised high-pressure air systems

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Pressure reducing stations in shock-proof design to generate medium-pressure and low-pressure air from the centralized up ring-main.

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Pressure reducing stations in shock-proof design to generate medium-pressure and low-pressure air from the centralized up ring-main.

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High-pressure bottle racks with multiple standard 50 litre bottles in shock-proof design

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High-pressure bottle racks with multiple standard 50 litre bottles in shock-proof design

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Breathing-air filling boxes to protect crew in shock-proof design

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Breathing-air filling boxes to protect crew in shock-proof design