
Sauer Compressors

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Sauer Compressors USA


How can we help you?

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J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH
Brauner Berg 15
24159 Kiel / Germany

+49 431 3940-0 more


Sauer Easy Care

Sauer Easy Care is simple and easy maintenance concept with guaranteed maintenance intervals for highest operational reliability at lowest costs.

In times of tight budgets our proven Sauer Easy Care preventive maintenance concept helps to keep your fleet’s running costs under control and can even lower them in the longer term. At the same time, Sauer Easy Care significantly increases compressor availability. For preventive maintenance after every 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 or 4,000 hours we offer you all-inclusive Sauer Easy Care maintenance kits based on our decades of experience of what shipping customers need. After every 4,000 hours maintenance, the schedule starts again with a 1,000 hours maintenance kit. Save up as much as 25% over ordering parts individually and easily calculate the necessary inspections and maintenance costs years in advance.

Sauer Easy Care saves time on board ship and in your office. As each maintenance kit has just one reference number, you don’t need to waste time searching for the right part and there is no risk of ordering the wrong parts. The maintenance parts you need will only be delivered when needed so there is no risk of installing parts that have been in stock too long. Moreover, in the event of continuous maintenance with Sauer Easy Care, Sauer guarantees the service life of all parts in Sauer Easy Care kits, e.g. up to 4,000 hours for the stage valves of air-cooled compressors – and no maintenance work is required on the crank drive. If you follow the Sauer Easy Care preventive maintenance concept a general overhaul of your compressor will never be necessary.


How you benefit:

  • Based on three maintenance kits only
  • Established in 2009 it convinced hundreds of Chiefs and Superintendents
  • Up to 25 % maintenance cost reduction
  • Clear maintenance routines result in less downtime
  • Reduced overhead in purchase and logistics
  • No more general overhaul necessary – never
  • Competitive and reliable operating costs per running hour


Customised to suit your specific requirements

Simply select the package that best fits your needs: