
Sauer Compressors

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Sauer Compressors USA


How can we help you?

Click "more" to get personal contact information on our Sales, Purchase and technical bureau staff. 

Sauer Žandov, a.s.
Nádražní 10
471 07 Žandov

+420 487 805 811 more


Compressor solutions
for all your ­applications.

Dependable up to 500 bar –
anywhere, anytime, anygas.

Simply dependable – Reliability and quality have been our guiding principles for over 140 years. Our customers know they can trust us to deliver. These principles guide us in the development and manufacturing of state-of-the-art high-pressure compressors, in our comprehensive service offering, and in staying customer-centric.

As one of the leading vendors in the ­industry, offshore, commercial shipping and the defence sector, you will find us all over the world – and ready to serve you with reliable, high-quality products and ­services.

Four product lines

Partners around the world

Our network of partners for service and sales is available to you worldwide and is looking forward to your enquiry.
Use our search to find your point of contact.