
Sauer Compressors

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Sauer Compressors USA


Partners wanted!

We are looking for partners in the industrial sector.

If you are interested in becoming a service and sales partner for industrial compressors, please send an e-mail to info@sauercompressors.cn with a short description of the relevant business and expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sauer Compressors China Ltd.
4th F. China Merchants Shanghai Center
68 BoHang Road
200120 SHANGHAI / China

+86-215876-7977 more


Performance overview

Our compressors are as diverse as our customers’ requirements. We provide high-quality compressed air and gas solutions in various capacities and pressure ranges to meet the particular demands of a great number of industries and applications.



up to 500 barg


up to 450 barg


Air and nitrogen booster range

Low and medium pressure

High and highest pressure

Hydrogen Compressors Range

High and highest pressure

Oxygen compressor range

Low and medium pressure