
Sauer Compressors

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Sauer Compressors USA


Partners wanted!

We are looking for partners in the industrial sector.

If you are interested in becoming a service and sales partner for industrial compressors, please send an e-mail to info@sauercompressors.cn with a short description of the relevant business and expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sauer Compressors China Ltd.
4th F. China Merchants Shanghai Center
68 BoHang Road
200120 SHANGHAI / China

+86-215876-7977 more



Sauer compressors have long been an integral part of the offshore industry. They are synonymous with the highest levels of reliability and process safety, even under the toughest conditions.

We offer world-class compressor products, customised solutions and tailored services. From 0.75 to 230 kW, oil-lubricated or oil-free, the power and pressure range combinations we offer provide the perfect platform to meet the industry's diverse challenges. Whether for upstream, midstream or downstream applications in the oil and gas industry, or for auxiliary applications on offshore platforms and vessels. 

foto teaser petro industry seismic exploration sauer compressors

Operational fields:

Sauer Compressors has many years of experience in specialised offshore applications and is a world leader in several key applications in the modern offshore industry.

  • Seismic exploration
  • Engine starting air
  • Leak detection / testing
  • Pipeline purging
  • Blowout preventer control
  • Riser tensioning system / Motion compensation for semi-submersible rings
  • Nitrogen generation
  • Nitrogen booster
  • Boil-off gas (BOG)
  • Fire protection

Customised solutions

Sauer Compressors is ideally equipped to fulfil individual requirements and offers maximum flexibility in product configuration. Thanks to our configure-to-order approach, almost everything on the compressor can be configured. And this does not stop with the compressors, but is supported by equally flexible accessories and documents, such as customised factory acceptance tests, test specifications and test certificates. This also includes explosion-proof versions or options that comply with NORSOK, ASME and many other standards.

If this is not enough, we can also literally go back to the drawing board to develop an engineered-to-order compressor based on our modular compressor series exactly according to customer specifications.