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Sauer Compressors USA


Partners wanted!

We are looking for partners in the industrial sector.

If you are interested in becoming a service and sales partner for industrial compressors, please send an e-mail to info@sauercompressors.cn with a short description of the relevant business and expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sauer Compressors China Ltd.
4th F. China Merchants Shanghai Center
68 BoHang Road
200120 SHANGHAI / China

+86-215876-7977 more



HAUG.Pluto series

Small but strong


SC Icon Construction RGB 2023 v01 small


Completely oil-free and dry-running piston compressor

SC Icon Tightness A RGB 2023 v01 small

Hermetically gas-tight

The reliable, hermetically gas-tight compressor design ensures that neither gas can escape nor ambient air/gas can contaminate the compressed medium.

SC Icon Drive Unit B CMYK 2023 v01 small

Integrated electric motor

This hermetically sealed and completely wear-free drive can be used for high suction pressures.

Technical Data

HAUG.Pluto series compressor types, nitrogen and air compression HAUG.Pluto series compressor types, SF6 compression HAUG.Pluto series compressor types, helium compression HAUG.Pluto series compressor types, oxygen compression