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Sauer Compressors USA


Partners wanted!

We are looking for partners in the industrial sector.

If you are interested in becoming a service and sales partner for industrial compressors, please send an e-mail to info@sauercompressors.cn with a short description of the relevant business and expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sauer Compressors China Ltd.
4th F. China Merchants Shanghai Center
68 BoHang Road
200120 SHANGHAI / China

+86-215876-7977 more


Helium Compressors

For more than 50 years Sauer Compressors specialises in the development and production of gas-tight helium compressors. Our comprehensive experience is incorporated in every product and new development – for the benefit of the customer.

Sauer helium compressors are specially designed for helium compression and represent the most efficient and safe solution for all kinds of applications. So it is no surprise that leading research institutes and universities only trust in Sauer helium compressors.

Gas companies profit from the unique advantages of Sauer helium compressors and the support of the worldwide sales and service network of the Sauer Compressors Group.



Unique Sauer advantages


Sauer helium compressors reach a leakage rate of less than 0.01 mbar x l/s.

Gas-tight crank case
Either double lip seal at the crankshaft or magnetic coupling drive for hermetic gas-tightness
Special, helium suitable sealings and gaskets
Gas-tight hoses
Intake buffer tank and condensate collecting vessel
Gas-tight oil lock to the crank case
Vacuum flanges acc. to ISO 2861 at gas inlet
Encapsulated safety valves
Gas recirculation back to the suction side by a common piping




Sauer helium compressors are designed for continuous operation.

✓ Valves with modified stroke and spring suspension
✓ Helium optimized lubrication
✓ Efficient cooling, especially around the highly stressed valves

Test procedure

Sauer helium compressors are tested under operation conditions on a special helium test bench.

✓ 16 hours running & performance test at final pressure with helium
✓ Tightness check and measurement of the leakage rate with helium
✓ 3.1 Inspection Certificate of Performance Data & Leakage Rate
✓ Delivered filled with helium to avoid purge losses


Ideal for helium circuits and cooling

Type Gas Inlet Pressure
Gas Outlet Pressure
Flow Rate
Rated Power
Passat WP156L BasSealHe 0.07 40 up to 128 20 – 35
Passat WP276L BasSealHe 0.07 40 up to 235 37 – 52
Passat WP316L BasSealHe 0.07 40 up to 295 45 – 85

Ideal for small helium recovery systems

Type Gas Inlet Pressure
Gas Outlet Pressure
Flow Rate
Rated Power
Tornado WP4325 BasSealHe 0.05 230 up to 21 7.5 – 13

Ideal for all kinds of helium recovery systems and cylinder filling

Type Gas Inlet Pressure
Gas Outlet Pressure
Flow Rate
Rated Power
Hurricane WP4331 BasSealHe 0.05 230 up to 35 11 – 18
Hurricane WP4341 BasSealHe 0.05 230 up to 57 15 – 26
Hurricane WP4351 BasSealHe 0.05 200 up to 114 30 – 52

Ideal for all kinds of helium recovery systems and cylinder filling

  • Hermetically gas‐tight
  • Wear‐free magnetic coupling drive - 'set it and forget it'
Type Gas Inlet Pressure
Gas Outlet Pressure
Flow Rate
Rated Power
Orkan BasSealHe 0.05 350 max. 200 max. 110

Further technical data is available on request.

Ideal for big helium recovery systems and cylinder filling

Type Gas Inlet Pressure
Gas Outlet Pressure
Flow Rate
Rated Power
6000 WP6550 BasSealHe 0.05 350 270 200