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J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH
Brauner Berg 15
24159 Kiel / Germany

+49 431 3940-0 more



Case Study

Rental compressor helps securing test system for generating supercritical water

One of our rental compressors for industry applications is currently in use at iGas Energy GmbH in Vechta, Germany. There, it is being used on the test biogas plant to test supercritical gas production. Supercritical gas generation recovers nutrients, valuable materials and energy contained in liquid organic waste such as sewage sludge, green waste or pomace.

The SAUER Hurricane WP4399LH B3-8 BasBooster is used for displacement flushing with nitrogen: a large reactor is filled with nitrogen in order to be able to flush the system in an emergency. The reactor needs to be pressurized, which is why the customer was specifically looking for a high-pressure nitrogen compressor - and found it at Sauer Compressors Rental Solutions.

As the nitrogen only escapes extremely slowly from the reactor and a single filling is sufficient to operate the system, a short rental period was agreed. iGas GmbH submitted the request for the four-week rental of the compressor via the contact form on our website and was able to put the compressor into operation just a few days after signing the contract, after it had been packed weatherproof and equipped ready for operation.

Product line

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Order details

Markets: Industry
Customers: iGas Energy GmbH
Customer country: Vechta, Germany
Application: Displacement flushing
Compression media: Nitrogen

Scope of supplies

Compressor type(s): SAUER Hurricane WP4399LH B3-8 BasBooster